Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Sketchbook Paintings

I finally found my sketchbook! So, as promised, here are some more paintings. There are only three that I want to post because I didn’t think the rest were quite as good, but I hope you like these ones anyway. As you may have begun to sense, there is a plant theme going on with my recent artwork. It's nothing to do with what I prefer to paint; it's mainly to do with what's at hand when I get the urge to fulfil my artistic needs.

The painting I like the most here is definitely Cooking Apple, mainly because it was (surprisingly) quite fun to paint and a challenge as the cooking apple I painted was all lumpy and bumpy and not exactly apple shaped! I think it's also the painting that turned out the best, and I love the colours that I was able to paint with to create the end piece. Berries was definitely the hardest to paint, as you can probably tell...it doesn’t quite match up to the standard of the other two, but I suppose if I had done individual berries they may have turned out better. Pink Foxglove was an interesting one, and had to be edited a lot from the original photo as I couldn’t quite fit in the same number of flowers as the actual plant had. Considering all that, I also used a different technique from the other two, instead of painting it all in one I waited until sections dried first before moving onto other things. The insides of the flowers were the last to be painted.

Miss B xxxx
 Pink Foxglove in water colour
Cooking Apple in water colour

Berries in water colour

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